The MHCO Service Group is having another Chicken BBQ Fundraiser!
Proceeds will support the purchase of a handicap accessible van to help MHCO elders attend area doctors’ appointments and family related trips that would not otherwise be possible. With this second BBQ fundraiser we will be able to purchase a gently used handicap accessible van to replace the old 2012 model we have been using. If you would like to donate funds to help with this purchase, you can do so at our Donate Now Page, or by contacting Chris Moser at 419-358-1015, ext. 263 or at
Tickets are $8 each and may be purchased March 29 – April 17 from Service Group members of Emmanuel Church of Christ, English Lutheran, Ebenezer Mennonite, First Mennonite, Grace Mennonite, St John Mennonite, St John’s United Church of Christ, and St Mary’s Catholic Church. You can also purchase tickets online for an additional fee at
Staff members wishing to purchase a ticket can do so at the front office of their respective buildings.
For more information or to purchase a ticket email Gloria at or call/text 419-429-2621.
Curb side meal pickup will be Saturday, April 24, from 4 – 6 p.m. at Bubba C BBQ, 158 N. Jackson St., Bluffton.