Construction began on April 1 on a front entrance project at Hilty Home. According to Jason Cox, administrator, a new sidewalk was installed when a large addition was built in front of the Hilty Building several years ago. Since the sidewalk goes directly to the driveway, the curb was painted bright yellow for safety. Still, Hilty staff has felt that more could be done to improve safety of the curb for residents and families.
Crews are in the process of adding a second curb (in the area that is currently driveway) and filling the gap between curbs with a decorative stone. The goal is to improve safety, while enhancing the appearance of the front entrance at the same time.
Construction is scheduled to continue until April 4 or 5, and although the entrance will remain open, parking could be difficult at times. Hilty Home apologizes for the inconvenience but feels the new entrance and increased safety will be worth it.
“We are blessed to be able to count on some designated gifts to Hilty Home for these improvements but have a shortfall of close to $6,500,” said Resource Development and Church Relations Director Chris Moser. If you would like to support this project, please make a gift to the Hilty Home Sidewalk Project or contact Moser at 419-358-1015 (x263) or at