We are pleased to announce that as a result of less restrictive guidance related to the prevention and containment of COVID-19 by CMS and the CDC, we will be reducing COVID-related restrictions within our buildings.
The full document showing the most current guidelines from CMS can be found here. Here are some highlights and clarifications coming from this revised guidance;
- Visitors can move throughout the building and visit in common areas, but must continue to wear masks in common areas while we continue to be at a high/red transmission level.
- Elders don’t have to wear masks in the building.
- Elders can eat together.
- Group activities/events can happen again ( properly distanced).
- No more routine testing of staff or residents, regardless of vaccination status. Strategic testing of staff and elders will continue when warranted.
- We are currently in HIGH transmission rate and Care Partners must continue to wear masks.
- New Elders choosing to live at MHCO don’t have to quarantine, but they must wear a mask for 10 days when out of their room.
CLARIFYING ELDER TESTING: We will continue to test elders if they are showing symptoms of illness.
CLARIFYING STAFF TESTING: At this time you will test if you are having symptoms of illness or you have been directly exposed to someone who is COVID positive or work in a department where someone tests positive for COVID-19. You will need to test days 1, 3 & 5. If you don’t work on those days, you can test as directed by the COVID Coordinator/Director of Nursing/Infection Preventionist.
CLARIFYING MASKS: ALL Care Partners must wear a surgical mask at this time, as we are still in HIGH transmission status. Visitors ARE required to wear masks at this time when in common areas, because we are in a HIGH/RED Transmission Level. This may change for visitors if/when Allen County drops out of HIGH status. As transmission rates improve, it allows us to open up more for the good of the Elders and Care Partners. The following link is for reference to check the county TRANSMISSION status: CDC COVID Data Tracker: County View
We would like to thank our elders, families, staff and community for their continued support, and we look forward to continuing to further reduce restrictions in a safe manner that is consistent with CMS and CDC guidelines.