Visitation Reminders from MHCO

Dear Residents, Family, Employees, Volunteers, and Friends of MHCO,

The Board and Leadership of MHCO have committed to keeping you up-to-date regarding the spread of COVID-19 and our corporate response to it. Northwest Ohio has experienced an increase in Community Spread of COVID-19. This increases our risk of unintended exposure to staff and residents.

Our goal is to prevent or mitigate COVID-19 exposure to staff and residents.

Gov. DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton have recommended that everyone wear a mask when out in public for any reason and for each of us to consider that we might be a carrier of COVID-19, even without symptoms.

MHCO has instituted the following measures within our buildings:  staff requirements to wear surgical (or N95 when appropriate) masks while on-duty, and recommendations for off-duty staff that includes wearing masks in public and limiting exposure to persons not living in their homes. Please support them in these practices.

MHCO COVID-19 policies restricting visitation remain in effect.  Many have found creative ways to interact with their loved ones, including window visits, sidewalk chalk, and signage outside resident rooms and apartments.  These visits are allowed and the grounds of our campuses are not restricted at this time. 

Please observe the following guidelines on MHCO property:

  • All visitors wear masks at all times on MHCO property and maintain at least 6’ distance from anyone who doesn’t live in your home, including members of your extended family. Cloth masks are acceptable.
  • Windows should not be opened. If an elder opens a window, back away 6’ or more from the window screen. Window screens are not approved personal protection for COVID-19. Use phones to aid in communication during window visits.

These precautions are essential to protecting all residents and staff.  We appreciate your part in keeping everyone as safe as possible.

We also recognize the necessity for human interaction and mental health well-being during this time and are increasing safe indoor and outdoor activities for elders.

Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation in our goal to prevent or mitigate COVID-19 exposure to staff and residents.

We continue to maintain up-to-date postings on the MHCO website:

Receive this prayer —  O God, our times are in your hand.  In the midst of uncertainty lead us by your never failing grace, as we seek to be agents of healing and hope.  Walk with us through difficult times; watch over us in danger; and give us a spirit of trust and compassion for those we encounter and those we love.  And finally remind us that you have promised never to leave us, so that even in the valley of the shadow of death, Your love may be felt.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.



Elizabeth Kelly, Chair

MHCO Board of Trustees